Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chlorine in Tacoma, Metro news and typographical birthdays

I'm in Boston so there may not be page of the week.

But since I'm traveling I've been able to pick up several different newspapers. Sunday's Tacoma News Tribune had a very compelling treatment for their story invesigating a chlorine leak that occured in mid-February. There was no dominate art above the fold, but I saw the typography and thought: I must buy this paper and read that story. Unfortunately my traveling preventing me from snagging a PDF off Newseum.

I've also been reading the Boston Globe and the NYT out here. And some crappy "Metro" tab that's free when you --surprise -- ride the Metro.

Also, I'll be in New York this weekend. I will have a full review of the Museum of Modern Art's exhibit 50 Years of Helvetica and Design and the Elastic Mind.

I'm hoping to snag a copy of "Helvetica" the movie while at MOMA.

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