Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't throw that away!

Don't throw your newspaper away. I'm not just saying this because I dedicate 40 hours a week to making one pretty. But because ... (drumroll please):

It's Blogger Action Day. Great time to start a blog, huh?

"An international initiative of bloggers known as 'Blog Action Day' launched today, with the aim of uniting thousands of blogging voices, talking about one issue for one day. This year on Blog Action Day, which is slated for Oct. 15, 2007, bloggers will be discussing the environment."
States a press release for

Bloggers are encouraged to relate evironmentalism to whatever they blog about.

So for my contribution: Recycle your newspapers. As a designer, I encourage subscribers to keep the presses rolling, thousands of copies a day. But don't put the leftovers in the trash. Don't be an ignorant newspaper reader. That's just oxymoronic.

9 ideas reusing your daily:
1. Arwork on your walls (hey, I spent hours on those pages)
2. Comic-themed wrapping paper
3. Packing your precious things for storage or next time you move
4. Cutting out letters to make creepy notes to friends
5. Starting campfires
6. Paper hats
7. Dressing up storage boxes and end tables with decopage
8. Paper-macheted ANYTHING
9. Or just box 'em up and haul them down to your friendly local recycling agency

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